Friday, July 31, 2015

Variety of Home Prices Creates Compelling Mix in TP Neighborhoods -

Summer has been active in the Thornton Park-area residential market: the chart (below) reflects activity over the past 6 months on the MLS. 

Very few of the properties listed are "distressed" (3 out of 38), and overall the market has shifted from a "Buyer's Market" in March to a Neutral Market today (Buyers may have to compete more aggressively for their chosen home, and sellers are consistently receiving competitive offers.) - 

Interest rates are still hovering in the low 4% area (about 3.9% for a 30 yr. fixed, according to Freddie Mac yesterday) for the time being, but the variety of prices and types of homes indicates a need for very individualized property analysis - if listing your home is a possibility.  

Contact me if you wish to see where your home falls in the line of active properties - 

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