Monday, July 14, 2014

Rental Activity in Thornton Park: July 14th, 2014

The Residential Rental Market has been lively in Thornton Park :

For the Past 30 Days
69 Residential MLS Rentals were the focus of market activity:

22 Properties LEASED in the past month.
Average Unit = 1149 sq. feet
Average Leased = $1742/month.

45 Residential Rental Properties are currently ACTIVE on the MLS.
Average Unit = 1222 sq. ft.
Average List Price $2046/month.

Remaining Properties were temporarily taken off the market, but are expected to "reactivate" soon.

With rents at mortgage-payment levels, purchasing a home may be an option.
If you own a rental, you know that the time and the money for upkeep are a big resource commitment, and it may be time for you to sell -

Contact me for a free consultation about your real-estate goals at:, 407-760-1468.

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